The Italian Chambers of Commerce for the Netherland, in collaboration with F.I.C. is pleased to invite you to an exclusive happening, a webinar with a very special Italian chef. The event is organized in the frame of the True Italian Taste project promoted and financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and implemented by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad to enhance and support the authentic Italian food productions. This autumn we are honored to have as keynote speaker : one-star Michelin chef William Zonfa Chef Zonfa will enlighten you about the products of his region and give you new inspiration. You will have the possibility to cook with him , having the possibility to interact and ask question. The list of the needed ingredients will be sent after the registration. Due to the Coranavirus restrictions the entire masterclass will be held via remote The program, on Zoom, will start at 14.00 hrs. and will be as follows:
- Opening of the room
- Brief Introductive interview
- Start cooking => 2 courses cooked with typical products from Abruzzo Region
- Q&A
Registration is compulsory and strictly personal, colleagues of the same restaurants are kindly requested to register separately using two different forms. (max 2 person per company) The webinar is meant only for professionals (restaurants/ journalists) if you are interested in attending please contact us at info@italianchamber.nl The webinar will be recorded and the material will be used for the final video:
- I give my consent to be on video
- I deny my consent to be on video
Connections are limited so your attendance should be accepted and confirmed.