Dear Madame / Sir,
The Italian Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands is pleased to invite you to an exclusive happening, the Authentic Italian Table Event to be held on Monday, 17 June, at STEEL CUCINE SHOWROOM (Nijverheidscentrum 2 – 2716JP Zevenhuizen )
The event is organized in the frame of the True Italian Taste project promoted and financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and implemented by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad to enhance and support the authentic Italian food productions. This year we are honored to have as keynote speaker one-star Michelin chef Paolo Gramaglia of restaurant President in Pompei. Chef Gramaglia will cook for us a couple of his famous dishes while he will enlighten us about the ingredients.
We will also have three well-known local Italian restaurants, each of them will be the paladin of one specific ingredient, cooking for us one recipe using it.
Pianeta Terra => Amsterdam
Schatull => Vals
Braccini => Den Haag
Roberto’s at Hilton Amsterdam => Amsterdam
The program will be as follows:
- 12.15: registration participants and opening
- 12.30: Paolo Gramaglia’s first dish: “risotto in giallo”
- 13.15: walking tasting to the other three workstations
- 14.00: Paolo Gramaglia’s second dish: Vesuvio fuoco e fiamme
- 14.45: closing
The location can be reached by car or if you choose to come by train to GOUDA we will have a FCA-FIAT shuttle ready for you.
If you are interested in attending please fill the attached form in, places are limited so your attendance should be accepted and confirmed.
Hoping to have intrigued you we are looking forward to meeting you on the 17th of June
Kind regards
Nicoletta Brondi
Secretary General
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